April 30, 2011

April 28, 2011


What a beautiful mommy to be!

April 26, 2011


I can't believe my nephew is going to PROM!! And I was so happy to take some cool photos of him and his date.. I hope I didn't embarrass him too bad;) And isn't that the coolest prom dress!


Such a good boy at 9 weeks old! His dad was also very well behaved;)

April 13, 2011

Jenna and Mark

 I have taken photos of Jenna and her beautiful daughter in the past so I was THRILLED when she called me about her engagement. What a beautiful family they make. 

April 5, 2011

Noah 1 year

I took these a while back and forgot to share:)

April 1, 2011

Baby Olivia

Olivia was a blast to take photos of. She was super sleepy one of the best babies yet! And I am so lucky to have my sister Melissa as my secret weapon. She is one experienced mommy who knows how to pose a baby!